At present we are making around 8,000 meals everyday. Because of COVID and government restrictions the feeding programs had to be downsized.
In Kampala city alone we feed around 2500 children 5 days a week in schools - for some of these children it may be the only meal they get that day. It is only a small dent in what we would like to do. As the COVID situation stabilises we'd like to bring this number up to 20,000 meals a day. There are lots of hungry children out there - it may be only a drop in the bucket but we'll always do as much as we can.
If you'd like to help us produce more meals, please see the donation link at the bottom of this page. 100% of your donation will go to feeding children.

Breakfast porridge served in
Nimule, South Sudan

Sam Childers delivers rice to the Children's Village in Nimule, South Sudan

Feeding Hungry Children

Feeding Hungry Children

Feeding program - Kampala, Uganda

One of the prep kitchens in South Sudan
Children waiting for there meals to come out in South Sudan